This page has pictures of nature in Ethiopia, various plants, and various animals.
There are lots of species that are endemic to Ethiopia, for instance Mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni, german: Bergnyala, french: Nyala des montagnes), Ethiopian Rose (Rosa abyssinica, german: Abessinische Rose), Gelada Baboons (Theropithecus gelada, german: Dschelada, french: Gélada), Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis, german: Äthiopischer Wolf, french: Loup d'Abyssinie), Big-headed Mole-rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus, german: Riesenmaulwurfsratte).
Landscape in Northern Ethiopia. (836k) Fields during the dry season. (1095k) Simien Mountains. (629k) Simien Mountains. (802k) Rain over the Simien Mountains. (539k) Rock formation in the Simien Mountains. (1033k) Rock formation near Wereta. (854k) Zege Peninsula in Lake Tana with seven monasteries going back to the 14th century, including the Ura Kidane Mehret Church going back to the 16th century. (471k) Blue Nile Falls. (736k) Blue Nile Falls. (999k) Rock formation near Lalibela. (883k) In the Bale Mountains National Park. (1144k) In the Bale Mountains National Park. (915k) Isolated rain storm. (637k) Sunset in Awassa. (543k) Sunset in Lalibela. (446k)
Flowers. (1441k) Flowers. (1207k) Flower. (1166k) Flowers. (1400k) Lichens. (1347k) Thistle. (1226k) Ferns growing on a tree. (1295k) White Everlasting. (1.7M) African Iris (Dietes iridioides, french: Iris sud-africain sauvage). (1132k) Lily. (633k) Hibiscus (Hibiscus sp., german: Hibiskus). (541k) Indian Prickly-pear Cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica, french: Figuier de Barbarie). (977k) Flower of a Prickly Pear Cactus. (573k) Flowering Agave (Agave sp., german: Agaven). (1009k) Red-hot Pokers (Kniphofia foliosa). It is endemic to Ethiopia. (1251k) Red-hot Poker (Kniphofia foliosa). (1124k) Close-up of a Red-hot Poker (Kniphofia foliosa). (1082k) Bitter Tomato (Solanum incanum, german: Jericho-Tomate). (1.6M) Close-up of Bitter Tomato (Solanum incanum, german: Jericho-Tomate). (821k) Curry Bush (Hypericum revolutum, german: Johanniskräuter), a type of St John's Wort. (1377k) Curry Bush flower. (639k) Ethiopian Rose (Rosa abyssinica, german: Abessinische Rose). This rose is endemic to Ethiopia. (1040k) Ethiopian Rose (Rosa abyssinica, german: Abessinische Rose). (577k) Small succulent tree. (1284k) Tree Euphorbia (Euphorbia candelabrum, french: Euphorbe candélabre). (1388k) Tree Heath (Erica arborea, german: Baumheide, french: Bruyère arborescente). (990k) Giant Lobelias (Lobelia rhynchopetalum). This plant is endemic to the Ethiopian mountains. (767k) Giant Lobelia (Lobelia rhynchopetalum). (725k) Flamboyant Tree (Delonix regia, german: Flammenbaum, french: Flamboyant). (1215k) Flat Top Acacia (Vachellia abyssinica). (1152k) Umbrella Thorn (Vachellia tortilis, german: Schirmakazie, french: Acacia faux-gommier). (791k) African Baobab (Adansonia digitata, german: Afrikanischer Affenbrotbaum, french: Baobab africain). (993k)
Huge termite mound. This one was over 8 m (26 ft) tall. (689k) Flat-backed Millipede (Polydesmida fam., german: Bandfüßer, french: Mille-pattes à épaulette). (1098k) Dorippus Tiger butterfly (Danaus chrysippus dorippus, german: Kleiner Monarch, french: Petit monarque). (672k) Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (602k) Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (509k) Groundling dragonfly (Brachythemis sp.). (952k) Common Tigertail (Ictinogomphus ferox). (577k) Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus, german: Nilwaran, french: Varan du Nil). (1091k) Blick's Grass Rat (Arvicanthis blicki). (811k) Big-headed Mole-rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus, german: Riesenmaulwurfsratte). This mole-rat is endemic to the Ethiopian highlands. (1051k) Günther's Dik-dik (Madoqua guentheri, german: Günther-Dikdik, french: Dik-dik de Günther). (1052k) Oribi ssp. montana (Ourebia ourebi montana, german: Südliches Oribi, french: Ourébi). (1219k) Grivet (Chlorocebus aethiops, german: Äthiopische Grünmeerkatze, french: Grivet). (789k) Grivet (Chlorocebus aethiops, german: Äthiopische Grünmeerkatze, french: Grivet). (660k) Grivet (Chlorocebus aethiops, german: Äthiopische Grünmeerkatze, french: Grivet). (622k) Djaffa Mountains Guereza (Colobus guereza gallarum, german: Mantelaffe, french: Colobe guéréza). (1016k) Troop of Gelada Baboons (Theropithecus gelada, german: Dschelada, french: Gélada). The Gelada are endemic to the Ethiopian Highlands, they exist only here. (1286k) Grooming Gelada Baboons (Theropithecus gelada, german: Dschelada, french: Gélada). (1131k) Grooming Gelada Baboons (Theropithecus gelada, german: Dschelada, french: Gélada) with baby. (1175k) Male Gelada Baboon (Theropithecus gelada, german: Dschelada, french: Gélada). (830k) Male Gelada Baboon (Theropithecus gelada, german: Dschelada, french: Gélada) chasing another. (852k) Male Gelada Baboon (Theropithecus gelada, german: Dschelada, french: Gélada) threatening another. (949k) Male Gelada Baboon (Theropithecus gelada, german: Dschelada, french: Gélada) chasing another with bared teeth. (679k) Female Olive Baboon (Papio anubis, german: Anubispavian, french: Babouin olive) with baby. (1127k) Male Olive Baboon (Papio anubis, german: Anubispavian, french: Babouin olive). (1016k) Eritrean Warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus aeliani, german: Warzenschwein, french: Phacochère). (1342k) Grazing Eritrean Warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus aeliani, german: Warzenschwein, french: Phacochère). (1295k) Male Bohor Reedbuck (Redunca redunca, german: Riedbock, french: Cobe des roseaux). (1046k) Female Menelik's Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus meneliki, german: Buschbock, french: Guib harnaché). (1075k) Male Menelik's Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus meneliki, german: Buschbock, french: Guib harnaché). (1198k) Female Mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni, german: Bergnyala, french: Nyala des montagnes). (1126k) Male Mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni, german: Bergnyala, french: Nyala des montagnes). It is endemic to the Ethiopian Highlands. (1140k) Close-up of a male Mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni, german: Bergnyala, french: Nyala des montagnes). (848k) Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis, german: Äthiopischer Wolf, french: Loup d'Abyssinie). This wolf is endemic to the highlands of Ethiopia. (970k) Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis, german: Äthiopischer Wolf, french: Loup d'Abyssinie) hunting a rodent. (930k) Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis, german: Äthiopischer Wolf, french: Loup d'Abyssinie) eating a rodent. (997k) North African Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus niloticus, german: Nilkrokodil, french: Crocodile du Nil). (1055k) North African Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus niloticus, german: Nilkrokodil, french: Crocodile du Nil). (1057k) Close-up of a North African Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus niloticus, german: Nilkrokodil, french: Crocodile du Nil). (701k) Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius, german: Flusspferd, french: Hippopotame amphibie). (789k) Close-up of Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius, german: Flusspferd, french: Hippopotame amphibie). (701k) Close-up of Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius, german: Flusspferd, french: Hippopotame amphibie). (751k)