Unfortunately, I didn't see any larger animals, other than a Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger, german: Mohrenkaiman, french: Caïman noir) and a brief glimpse of an Ocelot. Here are some of the pictures of the non-avian fauna and flora of Guyana.
Pictures of birds in Guyana and other nature pages are separate:
View of the savanna from Pacaraima Mountain, near Annai. (723k) View of the rainforest from Turtle Mountain, near the Iwokrama Lodge. (791k) Rainforest along the Burro Burro River, near the Surama Lodge. (1012k) Rainforest view with flowering trees in the distance. (1048k) Along the Essequibo River. (506k) Kurupukari Falls in the Essequibo River. (852k) Sunset over the savanna at the Rock View Lodge. (402k) Kaieteur Falls. (825k) Kaieteur Falls. (886k) Downstream of the Kaieteur Falls. (777k)
Mushrooms. (796k) Young leaves of most of the smaller plants are red. They become green later. (1034k) Creeping vine on a tree. (1181k) Giant Heliconias. (1.5M) Heliconia flower (Heliconia sp., german: Helikonien:Genus). (601k) Flaming Sword (Vriesea splendens). (1092k) Giant Bromeliad (Brocchinia micrantha). (1288k) Kufa (Clusia grandiflora). (1451k) Kufa (Clusia grandiflora) flower. (638k) Kufa (Clusia grandiflora) fruit. (672k) Kaieteur Sundew (Drosera kaieteurensis, german: Kaieteur Sonnentau), a carnivorous plant, endemic to the Kaieteur area. (1.5M) Yellow sap oozing out of a root. It is used as glue by the local people. (1046k) Tree with air roots. (1417k) Walking Palm (Socratea exorrhiza, german: Wanderpalme, french: Palmier marcheur). (1446k) Tree with lots of liana air roots. (1274k) Sand Mora (Mora excelsa). (1154k) Hollow tree. (1271k) Huge liana. (1407k) Balatá Tree (Manilkara bidentata, german: Balatabaum, french: Balata franc). It produces a natural rubber that is harvested. (1241k) This liana rotates counterclockwise when looking up. This is unusual, most lianas turn the other way. (1443k)
Leafcutter ants trail. (1274k) Leafcutter ants colony. (1103k) Ants. Note the large soldier with the big pincers. (805k) Ants were coming up on my table and surrounded spills from my juice drink. (670k) Termites were building a covered walkway across the road. (1123k) Bullet Ant (Paraponera clavata, german: 24-Stunden-Ameise). (818k) Ant lion traps. (1174k) Tree with ants nest. (1213k) Nest of black bees. (1359k) Termite nest. (1174k) Wax-tailed Planthopper (Pterodictya reticularis, german: Spitzkopfzikaden). (1227k) Actaeon Beetle (Megasoma actaeon). (1004k) Spider Cricket (Phalangopsidae gen.). (841k) Giant Red-winged Grasshopper (Tropidacris cristata). (954k) Headlight Beetle (Pyrophorini gen.) with glowing spots. It was amazing how bright its spots glowed. (943k) Tropical Wolf Spider (Ctenus sp.). (769k) Round-backed Millipede (Juliformia ord.). (807k) Skimmer Dragonfly (Libellulidae gen., german: Segellibellen) creating wave patterns on the water from its wing beat. (727k) Large Sphinx moth (Eumorpha sp.). We found it through the reflection of our search light in its eyes. (555k) Menelaus Blue Morpho butterfly (Morpho menelaus, french: Morpho bleu). (952k) Social caterpillars. I have never seen anything similar. There were about 50 caterpillars huddled together. (827k) A swarm of wasps had landed on a bush in front of my room. A few minutes later they took off again. (784k) Slender-legged Tree Frog (Osteocephalus sp.). (807k) Smoky Jungle Frog (Leptodactylus pentadactylus). (685k) Antilles Leaf-toed Gecko (Hemidactylus palaichthus). (502k) Peter's Lava Lizard (Tropidurus hispidus). (758k) Giant Ameiva (Ameiva ameiva, german: Grüne Ameive, french: Ameive commun). (968k) Green Iguana (Iguana iguana, german: Grüner Leguan, french: Iguane vert). (925k) Giant South American Turtle (Podocnemis expansa, french: Arrau). (597k) Red-footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius, german: Köhlerschildkröte, french: Tortue charbonnière à pattes rouges). (799k) Red-rumped Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina, french: Agouti doré). (730k) Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger, german: Mohrenkaiman, french: Caïman noir). (636k) Black Caiman. (318k) Dwarf Little Fruit Bat (Rhinophylla pumilio). (659k) Red-faced Spider Monkey (Ateles paniscus, german: Rotgesichtklammeraffe, french: Singe-araignée commun) with a baby on her back. (789k) Guyanan Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta macconnelli, german: Guyana-Brüllaffe, french: Singe hurleur roux). (1073k)