This is a list of the Gods and Goddesses for which I have pictures. They are the most important ones, but there are many more.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Amun Ra - King of the Gods

Relief Amun Ra Left
Relief of Amun Ra (left) and Ptah (right) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (953k)
Relief Amun Ra Center
Relief of Amun Ra (center) and Neith (right), with a Pharaoh (left) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1249k)
Relief Amun Ra Left
Relief of Amun Ra (left, holding the Was scepter), Horus (middle), and the Pharaoh (right) in the Luxor Temple. (692k)
Relief Amun Ra Ram's
Relief of Amun Ra with a Ram's head in the Luxor Temple. (629k)
Relief Amun Ra Left
Relief of Amun Ra (left and right) and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (middle, in stride) in the Luxor Temple. (1102k)
Relief Amun Ra Ram's
Relief of Amun Ra with a Ram's head (right), and Horus (left) in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (967k)
Relief Amun Ra Ram's
Relief of Amun Ra with a Ram's head, holding the Was scepter, in the Philae Temple of Isis. (570k)
Relief Amun Ra Center
Relief of Amun Ra (center, holding the Was scepter), Ra Horakhty (right), Horus (far right) and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (left) in the Temple of Abu Simbel. (692k)

Anubis - The God of Embalming

Relief Anubis Center Thoth
Relief of Anubis (center), Thoth (left) and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (right) in the Luxor Temple. They may be on the way to ceremony of the Weighing of the Heart, to which Anubis guides the deceased, and Thoth records the result. (823k)
Close-up Head Anubis Luxor
Close-up of the head of Anubis in the Luxor Temple. (638k)
Relief Anubis Luxor Temple
Relief of Anubis in the Luxor Temple. (729k)
Beautiful Paintings Tombs Queens
Beautiful paintings in one of the tombs of the Queens, with the God Thoth with the Was Scepter. In the upper left is Anubis. Notice the transparent skirts of the Queen. (583k)

Apis - The Sacred Bull

Relief Apis Temple Horus
Relief of Apis in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (479k)
Relief Apis Temple Horus
Relief of Apis in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (595k)
Relief Apis Center Right
Relief of Apis (center right), with Horus (right and extreme left), and a Pharaoh (center left) in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (1021k)
Relief Apis Sacred Bull
Relief of Apis, the Sacred Bull, next to Isis (or Ma'at) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (1099k)

Atum - The Creator God

Relief Atum Left Ra
Relief of Atum (left), Ra Horakhty (a form of Horus with Amun Ra's Crown), and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (center) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1245k)
Relief Atum Left Karnak
Relief of Atum (left) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1229k)
Relief Atum Right Holding
Relief of Atum (right, holding the Was Scepter), Isis (middle, holding a Papyrus), and a Pharaoh (left) in the Philae Temple of Isis. (705k)

Benu - The God of Creation and Rebirth

Relief Luxor Temple Showing
Relief in the Luxor Temple, showing offerings. The bird in the center may be Benu, I am not certain. (724k)
Painting Tomb Queen Nefertari
Painting in the tomb of the Queen Nefertari, showing the Benu Bird on the far left. Benu was an avian deity and associated with rebirth. (726k)
Painting Tomb Nakht Showing
Painting in the tomb of Nakht, showing the Benu Bird (center left). (652k)

Geb - The Personification of the Earth

Colored Relief Geb Wearing
Colored relief of Geb, wearing the Pshent and holding the Was scepter, on a column in the Temple of Kom Ombo. The paint is over 2,200 years old. (588k)
Relief Geb Right Nut
Relief of Geb (right) and Nut, his sister/wife (left) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. On the upper tier you can see Horus with the body of a lion and the Pshent (left), and Wadjet, the Winged Cobra with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. (642k)
Relief Geb Wearing Pshent
Relief of Geb, wearing the Pshent (center, holding the Was scepter), with his sister/wife Nut (left), and a Pharaoh (right), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (863k)

Hapi - The God of the Nile

Relief Dual God Hapi
Relief of the dual God Hapi in the Luxor Temple. On the left is Hapi of Upper Egypt with the Lotus on his head, on the right Hapi of Lower Egypt with the Papyrus on his head. On the left face of the column is Seshat, the Goddess of Astronomy. (1024k)
Relief Dual God Hapi
Another relief of the dual God Hapi in the Luxor Temple. (736k)
Relief Hapi Temple Horus
Relief of Hapi in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (586k)
Relief Hapi Temple Kom
Relief of Hapi in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (770k)
Relief Hapi Philae Temple
Relief of Hapi in the Philae Temple of Isis. (647k)

Haroeris - The Elder Horus

Relief Haroeris Right Holding
Relief of Haroeris (right, holding the Was scepter), Wadjet (center, with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt), Nekhbet (left, with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt), crowning Pharaoh Ptolemaios XII in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (942k)

Hathor - The Heavenly Cow, Goddess of Fertility, Goddess of Motherhood

Relief Hathor Karnak Temple
Relief of Hathor in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (596k)
Relief Hathor Touching Ankh
Relief of Hathor, touching the Ankh to the mouth of the Pharaoh, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (708k)
Relief Hathor Temple Horus
Relief of Hathor in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. Here Hathor is wearing the Pshent, or Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. (867k)
Close-up Hathor Temple Horus
Close-up of Hathor in the Temple of Horus in Edfu, again wearing the Pshent, or Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. (786k)
Hathor's Symbol Bird Square
Hathor's symbol, a bird in a square. This can be used to determine whether a picture of a Goddess with the horns and solar disk is Hathor or Isis. Most times either Hathor's or Isis' symbol accompanies their pictures. Look for Hathor's symbol in the following pictures. (609k)
Relief Hathor Temple Horus
Relief of Hathor in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (861k)
Relief Hathor Center Right
Relief of Hathor (center right, holding a Papyrus), with Horus, her husband (center left, holding the Was scaepter) and a Pharaoh (left) in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (527k)
Relief Hathor Center Khonsu
Relief of Hathor (center), with Khonsu, the Moon God (left, holding the Was scepter), and Sobek, the Crocodile God, (right, holding the Was scepter) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. This is a different incarnation of Hathor. (791k)
Relief Hathor Right Papyrus
Relief of Hathor (right, with a Papyrus) with her husband Horus (left, with the Was scepter) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (745k)
Relief Sobek Right Hathor
Relief of Sobek (right) and Hathor (left, with the Papyrus) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (1006k)
Relief Two Incarnations Hathor
Relief of two incarnations of Hathor in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (964k)
Close-up Relief Second Version
Close-up of the relief of the second version of Hathor in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (957k)
Relief Hathor Temple Kom
Relief of Hathor in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (1058k)
Relief Hathor Philae Temple
Relief of Hathor in the Philae Temple of Isis. (953k)
Relief Hathor Philae Temple
Relief of Hathor in the Philae Temple of Isis. (845k)
Painting Inside Main Temple
Painting inside the main temple of Abu Simbel of the Goddess Hathor in the form of the Sacred Cow on a sacred barge. (946k)
Beautiful Painting Inside Queens
Beautiful painting inside the Queens Temple of Abu Simbel of the Goddesses Hathor (left) and Isis (right) blessing the Queen. (714k)
Superb Paintings Tomb Horemheb
Superb paintings in the Tomb of Horemheb, showing the Goddess Hathor (left) and her husband Horus (center right), each holding the Ankh, the symbol of eternal life. (665k)

Horus - The God of the Sky

Relief Horus Right Thoth
Relief of Horus (right) with Thoth (left), and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (center) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1206k)
Relief Horus Temple Horus
Relief of Horus in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (760k)
Close-up Head Horus Temple
Close-up of the head of Horus in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. You can see the Pshent, or Double Crown, of Upper and Lower Egypt, and the Cobra for protection. (754k)
Representation Horus Sun Disk
Another representation of Horus was as a Sun Disk with Wings, usually flanked by a pair of Cobras. This representation was often used on top of an entrance for protection of the building. This one was over the entrance to the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (737k)
Statue Horus Form Falcon
Statue of Horus in the form of Falcon wearing the Pshent, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (849k)
Relief Horus Center Holding
Relief of Horus (center, holding the Was scepter), with his wife Hathor (left) in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (860k)
Relief Horus Center Holding
Relief of Horus (center, holding the Was scepter), with his wife Hathor (center right, holding a Papyrus) and a Pharaoh (left) in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (527k)
Horus Started Overpower Seth
As Horus started to overpower Seth, Seth started growing bigger. Here is Seth as a large hippo, with Horus above him, and Isis, Horus' mother (right), Sekhmet (upper left), and Min (lower left). Relief in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (679k)
Painted Relief Horus Holdimg
Painted relief of Horus, holdimg the Was scepter, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (717k)
Relief Horus Center Right
Relief of Horus (center right) with his son (right, holding the Was scepter), his mother Isis, here shown as a cat (center, touching the Ankh to the Pharaoh's mouth), a Pharaoh (center), Nut (left of the Pharaoh, with horns and a Sun disk), and Thoth (left) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (771k)
Huge Relief Horus Temple
A huge relief of Horus in the Temple of Kom Ombo. It was a good 10 m (30 ft) high. (1051k)
Relief Horus Left Scepter
Relief of Horus (left, with the Was scepter), with his wife Hathor (right, with the Papyrus) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (745k)
Relief Eye Horus Temple
Relief of the Eye of Horus in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (726k)
Relief Eye Horus Temple
Relief of the Eye of Horus in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (895k)
Close-up Relief Horus Temple
Close-up of a relief of Horus in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (957k)
Relief Horus Body Lion
Relief of Horus with the body of a Lion in the Temple of Kom Ombo. Note the colors on this column. (1129k)
Huge Relief Horus Entrance
Huge relief of Horus on the entrance pillars in the Philae Temple of Isis. (884k)
Relief Eye Horus Philae
Relief of the Eye of Horus in the Philae Temple of Isis. (775k)
Relief Eye Horus Philae
Relief of the Eye of Horus in the Philae Temple of Isis. (890k)
Relief Amun Ra Center
Relief of Amun Ra (center, with the Was scepter), Horus (far right), Ra Horakhty (right) and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (left) in the Temple of Abu Simbel. (692k)
Painting Tomb Queen Nefertari
Painting in the tomb of the Queen Nefertari, showing the God Horus leading the Queen, with the Goddess Neith on the far right. (623k)
Superb Paintings Tomb Horemheb
Superb paintings in the Tomb of Horemheb, showing the God Horus (center right) and his wife Hathor (left), both Gods holding the Was scepter. (665k)

Hu - The Divine Utterance

Great Sphinx Giza Representation
The Great Sphinx of Giza, a representation of Hu. (681k)
Close-up Head Great Sphinx
Close-up of the head of the Great Sphinx of Giza, a representation of Hu. (400k)

Isis - Mistress of Magic, Goddess of Rebirth

Relief Isis Winged Goddess
Relief of Isis (winged Goddess) on the sacred boat during her annual voyage to visit Osiris. (753k)
Relief Isis Right Watching
Relief of Isis (right) watching the fight between Horus (center), and Seth (as a hippo below) in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (700k)
Relief Isis Shown Cat
Relief of Isis, here shown as a cat (center), Horus (center right) with his son (right, holding the Was scepter), a Pharaoh (center), Nut (left of the Pharaoh, with horns and a Sun disk), and Thoth (left) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (771k)
Relief Isis Right Husbandbrother
Relief of Isis (right) and her husband/brother Osiris (center, holding the Was scepter) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (710k)
Different View Isis Seated
A different view of Isis, seated with her symbol on her head in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (768k)
Relief Isis Or Ma'at
Relief of Isis (or Ma'at) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. This shows her as the Winged Goddess. On the right is Apis, the Sacred Bull. (1099k)
Relief Isis Right Sekhmet
Relief of Isis (right) and Sekhmet (left), both holding a Papyrus in the Temple of Kom Ombo. Try to find Isis' symbol that identifies her. (852k)
Close-up Relief Isis Temple
Close-up of a relief of Isis in the Temple of Kom Ombo. Note the colors that are over two thousand years old. (1176k)
Relief Isis Nursing Son
Relief of Isis, nursing her son Horus in the Philae Temple of Isis. (844k)
Relief Isis Shown Woman
Relief of Isis, shown as a woman with wings and the horns of a cow with the sun disk, in the Philae Temple of Isis. (634k)
Relief Isis Right Husbandbrother
Relief of Isis (right), with her husband/brother Osiris (left), in the Philae Temple of Isis. (695k)
Relief Isis Left Recognizable
Relief of Isis (left), recognizable by the throne on her head, with Hathor (right), in the Philae Temple of Isis. (789k)
Symbol Isis Throne Look
Symbol of Isis, a throne. Look for this sign either on her head or in the hieroglyphs around her to identify her as Isis, rather than Hathor. (765k)
Beautiful Painting Inside Queens
Beautiful painting inside the Queens Temple of Abu Simbel of the Goddesses Isis (right) and Hathor (left) blessing the Queen. (714k)

Khepri - The God of the Sun, Creation, Life, and Resurrection

Altar Dedicated Khepri Karnak
An altar, dedicated to Khepri in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. Notice the granite carving of a Scarab on top of the altar. (855k)
Interior Tomb Nefertari Showing
Interior of the tomb of Nefertari, showing the God Khepri (center left, with the Scarab Beetle as head), with Osiris (far left), Ra Horakhty (with the Sun Disk), and the Goddess Neith (far right). (687k)

Khnoum (Chnum) - The God of the Origin of the Nile

Relief Khnoum Right Satet
Relief of Khnoum (right), with Satet (left), his wife, in the Satet/Khnoum Temple on Elephantine Island. (899k)
Relief Khnoum Left Pharaoh
Relief of Khnoum (left) and a Pharaoh (right) in the Satet/Khnoum Temple on Elephantine Island. (818k)

Khonsu - The Moon God

Relief Khonsu Luxor Temple
Relief of Khonsu in the Luxor Temple. Notice the child's lock. (628k)
Relief Khonsu Moon God
Relief of Khonsu, the Moon God (left, holding the Was scepter), Hathor (center), Sobek, the Crocodile God, (right, holding the Was scepter) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (791k)
Relief Multiple Deities Temple
Relief of multiple deities in the Temple of Kom Ombo. In the top row are from left Khonsu and Sobek with a Pharaoh on the right. On the bottom row are from left Horus with a Pharaoh, Sobek and two Gods flanking a Pharaoh, one with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt on the left of the Pharaoh, and one with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt on the right. The Pharaoh is wearing the Pshent, or Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. I don't know which Gods these two are. (973k)
Wall Painted Reliefs Temple
Wall with painted reliefs in the Temple of Kom Ombo, showing the Pharaoh making offerings to various Gods and Goddesses. On the left is the Pharaoh, with the Gods broken off. On the right are from top to bottom the Goddess Hathor, the God Khonsu, and the God Horus. (1040k)

Maahes - God of War

Relief Maahes Temple Horus
Relief of Maahes in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (601k)
Relief Maahes Temple Horus
Relief of Maahes in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (665k)

Ma'at - The Goddess of Truth and Balance

Relief Ma'at Scepter Luxor
Relief of Ma'at, with the Was scepter, in the Luxor Temple. (644k)
Close-up Relief Ma'at Luxor
Close-up of the relief of Ma'at in the Luxor Temple. (672k)
Relief Luxor Temple Am
Relief in the Luxor Temple. I am not sure whether this is Isis or Ma'at. The winged Goddess is usually Isis, but she has the feather of Ma'at on her head. (1099k)

Mehet Weret - The Goddess of Water, Creation, and Rebirth

Relief Mehet Weret Philae
Relief of Mehet Weret in the Philae Temple of Isis. (746k)

Meshkenet - The Goddess of Childbirth

Relief Meshkenet Luxor Temple
Relief of Meshkenet in the Luxor Temple. (535k)
Relief Goddess Could Meshkenet
Relief of a Goddess that could be Meshkenet (right) with Isis (left) in the Philae Temple of Isis. The Goddess on the right has the symbol of Meshkenet on her head above the solar disk. (789k)

Min - The God of Fertility

Relief Min Karnak Temple
Relief of Min in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (747k)
Relief Min Karnak Temple
Relief of Min in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1499k)
Relief Min Luxor Temple
Relief of Min in the Luxor Temple. (901k)
Relief Min Luxor Temple
Relief of Min in the Luxor Temple. (751k)

Montu - The Warrior God

Relief Montu Right Atum
Relief of Montu (right), and Atum (left), and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (center) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1245k)
Relief Montu Center Amun
Relief of Montu (center) and Amun Ra (left, holding the Was scepter), with a Pharaoh (right) in the Luxor Temple. (692k)
Close-up Montu Luxor Temple
Close-up of Montu in the Luxor Temple. (736k)

Mut - The Mother Goddess of the New Kingdom

Relief Goddess Mut Center
Relief of the Goddess Mut (center, with the Pshent, or Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (905k)
Relief Mut Right Hathor
Relief of Mut (right) with Hathor (left) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (623k)
Relief Mut Holding Papyrus
Relief of Mut, holding a Papyrus, in the Luxor Temple. (619k)
Relief Mut Holding Scepter
Relief of Mut, holding the Was scepter, in the Luxor Temple. (927k)
Close-up Mut Luxor Temple
Close-up of Mut in the Luxor Temple. (1115k)

Nefertem - The God of Perfume and Healing

Relief Nefertem Holding Scepter
Relief of Nefertem, holding the Was scepter, in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (920k)

Neith - The Goddess of Weaving, War, Hunting, and the Red Crown of Lower Egypt

Relief Neith Right Amun
Relief of Neith (right) and Amun Ra (center), with a Pharaoh (left) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1249k)
Relief Neith Satetkhnoum Temple
Relief of Neith in the Satet/Khnoum Temple on Elephantine Island. (679k)
Interior Tomb Nefertari Showing
Interior of the tomb of Nefertari, showing the Goddess Neith (far right) with the Gods Osiris (far left), Khepri (center left, with the Scarab Beetle as head), and Ra Horakhty (with the Sun Disk). (687k)
Painting Tomb Queen Nefertari
Painting in the tomb of the Queen Nefertari, showing the Goddess Neith on the far right, with the God Horus leading the Queen. (623k)

Nekhbet - The Goddess of Upper Egypt and Childbirth

Relief Nekhbet Vulture Form
Relief of Nekhbet in vulture form in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1271k)
Relief Nekhbet Vulture Form
Relief of Nekhbet in vulture form with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (783k)
Relief Nekhbet Left Hedjet
Relief of Nekhbet (left, with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt), Wadjet (center, with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt), crowning Pharaoh Ptolemaios XII, and Haroeris (right, holding the Was scepter) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (885k)
Relief Nekhbet Vulture Form
Relief of Nekhbet in vulture form with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt (right), and Horus (left, with lion's body and the double crown), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (800k)
Upper Tier Relief Nekhbet
On the upper tier, relief of Nekhbet in vulture form with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt (right), Renenutet (winged cobra with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt), and Horus (left, with lion's body and the double crown), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (720k)
Relief Nekhbet Vulture Form
Relief of Nekhbet in vulture form (left) with the Atef, Osiris' crown, and Horus (right, with lion's body and the Pshent, the Double Crown), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (898k)
Nekhbet Vulture Form Satetkhnoum
Nekhbet in vulture form in the Satet/Khnoum Temple on Elephantine Island. (647k)

Nephtys - The Mistress of the House

Relief Nephtys Temple Horus
Relief of Nephtys in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (647k)
Relief Nephtys Left Brother
Relief of Nephtys (left), with her brother Osiris (center) in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (891k)
Close-up Nephtys Temple Kom
Close-up of Nephtys in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (777k)
Nephtys Top Row Far
Nephtys (top row, far right) on a wall with lots of hieroglyphics and Gods the Temple of Kom Ombo. On the upper row are also from left Khonsu, Sobek, and the Pharaoh, on the lower tier are from left Haroeris, the Pharaoh, Sobek, and the Pharaoh flanked by two unidentified Gods. (973k)

Nun - The Water Chaos

Relief Nun Luxor Temple
Relief of Nun in the Luxor Temple. (774k)

Nut - The Sky Goddess

Relief Nut Characteristic Pose
Relief of Nut in her characteristic pose with hand and feet touching the earth, and her body arching in the sky, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (566k)
Colored Relief Nut Center
Colored relief of Nut (center), with Isis (left), and Nut's brother/husband Geb (right) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. In the upper tier is the God Horus with a lion's body (upper tier). (649k)
Colored Relief Nut Bottom
Colored relief of Nut (bottom left) with her brother/husband Geb (lower right), Horus with a lion's body (upper left), and Renenutet as a winged Cobra with the Deshret or Red Crown (upper right), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (642k)
Relief Nut Left Brotherhusband
Relief of Nut (left) with her brother/husband Geb, wearing the Pshent (center, holding the Was scepter), and a Pharaoh (right), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (863k)
Ceiling Painting Tomb Ramesses
Ceiling painting in the tomb of Ramesses VI in the Valley of the Kings, showing the front part of the painting of Nut, arched over the earth. (651k)

Osiris - The God of the Underworld

Relief Osiris Karnak Temple
Relief of Osiris in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (713k)
Close-up Relief Osiris Luxor
Close-up of relief of Osiris in the Luxor Temple. (664k)
Relief Osiris Center Sister
Relief of Osiris (center) with his sister Nephtys (left) in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (891k)
Relief Osiris Center Holding
Relief of Osiris (center, holding the Was scepter) and his sister Isis (right) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (710k)
Close-up Colored Relief Osiris
Close-up of colored relief of Osiris in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (972k)
Relief Osiris Center Hoding
Relief of Osiris (center, hoding the Was scepter) and his sister/wife Isis (right, holding the Papyrus) in the Philae Temple of Isis. (672k)
Painting Tomb Queen Nefertari
Painting in the tomb of the Queen Nefertari, showing the God of the Underworld, Osiris, with the crook and the flail, receiving the Queen. (558k)
Painting Tomb Senngen Showing
Painting in the tomb of Senngen, showing Osiris, the God of the Underworld, with the crook and the flail. (553k)

Ptah - The God of Craftsmen, Rebirth, and Creation

Relief Ptah Right Amun
Relief of Ptah (right) and Amun Ra (left) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (953k)
Relief Ptah Left Amun
Relief of Ptah (left) and Amun Ra (right) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (569k)
Relief Ptah Left Center
Relief of Ptah (left center) and Shu (left upper) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (956k)
Gold Statue Ptah Treasure
Gold statue of Ptah from the treasure in the tomb of Tutankhamun. (345k)

Ra Horakhty - Horus of the Two Horizons

Relief Ra Horakhty Holding
Relief of Ra Horakhty, holding the Was scepter, in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (686k)
Close-up Relief Ra Horakhty
Close-up of relief of Ra Horakhty, offering the Ankh, the sign of life to a Pharaoh, in the Luxor Temple. (925k)
Close-up Relief Ra Horakhty
Close-up of relief of Ra Horakhty in the Luxor Temple. (720k)
Relief Ra Horakhty Right
Relief of Ra Horakhty (right, holding the Was scepter), with Nekhbet (left, with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt), and Wadjet (center, with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt), flanking a Pharaoh, in the Temple of Kom Ombo. Above the Pharaoh is the Goddess Isis in the form of a bird. (885k)
Relief Ra Horakhty Right
Relief of Ra Horakhty (right), Amun Ra (center, holding the Was scepter) Horus (far right), and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (left) in the Temple of Abu Simbel. (692k)

Renenutet - The Goddess of the Suckling, the Name, and Protection

Relief Renenutet Winged Cobra
Relief of Renenutet, the Winged Cobra (left), and Nekhbet, the Vulture Goddess (right), carved in pink granite, in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1417k)
Relief Renenutet Karnak Temple
Relief of Renenutet in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (634k)
Relief Renenutet Left Deshret
Relief of Renenutet (left, with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt), and Horus in a Lion's body (right, with the Pshent) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (620k)
Colored Relief Renenutet Winged
Colored relief of Renenutet as a winged Cobra with the Deshret or Red Crown (upper right), Nut (bottom left), and Horus with a lion's body (upper left), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (642k)

Satet - The Goddess of the Annual Flood of the Nile

Close-up Relief Satet Satetkhnoum
Close-up of a relief of Satet in the Satet/Khnoum Temple on Elephantine Island. (963k)
Relief Satet Right Embracing
Relief of Satet (right) embracing the Pharaoh Montuhotep, in the Satet/Khnoum Temple on Elephantine Island. (780k)
Relief Satet Offering Ankh
Relief of Satet offering the Ankh, the sign of life to a Pharaoh, in the Satet/Khnoum Temple on Elephantine Island. (628k)

Sekhmet - The Goddess of War

Gorgeous Statue Sekhmet Small
Gorgeous statue of Sekhmet in a small temple, dedicated to Sekhmet, in the Karnak Temple complex in Luxor. (501k)
Close-up Deeply Carved Relief
Close-up of a deeply carved relief of Sekhmet in the Luxor Temple. (1194k)
Close-up Deeply Carved Relief
Close-up of a deeply carved relief of Sekhmet in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (854k)
Relief Sekhmet Left Isis
Relief of Sekhmet (left) and Isis (right), both holding the Papyrus, in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (852k)

Serqet - The Goddess of Venomous Creatures, Magical Potions, and the Afterlife

Gold Statue Serqet Treasure
Gold statue of Serqet from the treasure in the tomb of Tutankhamun. (383k)

Seshat - The Goddess of Astronomy and Writing

Relief Seshat Holding Scribing
Relief of Seshat, holding a scribing tool, in the Luxor Temple. (973k)
Relief Seshat Center Horus
Relief of Seshat (center), with Horus (right), in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (938k)
Relief Seshat Center Horus
Relief of Seshat (center), with Horus (right), and a Pharaoh (left), in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (851k)

Seth - The God of the Desert

Close-up Relief Seth Hippo
Close-up of the relief of Seth, as a hippo, being conquered by Horus, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (570k)
Relief Seth Bottom Hippo
Relief of Seth (bottom, as a hippo) in his fight with Horus (above), in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (509k)
Horus Started Overpower Seth
As Horus started to overpower Seth, Seth started growing bigger. Here is Seth as a large hippo, with Horus above him, and Isis, Horus' mother (left), Sekhmet (upper left), and Min (lower left). Relief in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (679k)

Shu - The God of the Air

Relief Shu Top Left
Relief of Shu (top left, with the Was scepter), with Ptah (center left), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (956k)
Close-up Relief Shu Temple
Close-up of the relief of Shu in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (747k)
Relief Shu Holding Scepter
Relief of Shu, holding the Was scepter, in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (866k)

Sobek - The God of Crocodiles, Power, Protection and Fertility

Close-up Relief Sobek Luxor
Close-up of a relief of Sobek in the Luxor Temple. (512k)
Relief Sobek Crocodile God
Relief of Sobek, the Crocodile God, (right, holding the Was scepter), with Hathor (center), and Khonsu, the Moon God (left, holding the Was scepter), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (791k)
Relief Sobek Top Row
Relief of Sobek (top row, center, and bottom row, center), with Khonsu (top left), Ra Horakhty (bottom far left) and unidentified Gods with the Hedjet or White Crown, and the Deshret or Red Crown, flanking a Pharaoh, in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (973k)
Relief Sobek Right Hathor
Relief of Sobek (right) and Hathor (left, holding the Papyrus) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (1006k)
Relief Sobek Bottom Center
Relief of Sobek (bottom center), with Horus in a lion's body (upper left), and Nekhbet a the vulture with the Hedjet or White Crown (upper right), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (682k)
Close-up Deeply Carved Relief
Close-up of a deeply carved relief of Sobek in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (984k)

Sokar - The God of the Cemetery

Relief Sokar Left Scepter
Relief of Sokar (left, with the Was Scepter) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (1034k)

Tephnut - The Goddess of Water and Fertility

Relief Tephnut Holding Papyrus
Relief of Tephnut, holding the Papyrus, in the Luxor Temple. (632k)
Relief Tephnut Holding Scepter
Relief of Tephnut, holding the Was scepter, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (622k)
Relief Tephnut Center Ra
Relief of Tephnut (center), with Ra Horakhty (left), and Hathor (right), in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (880k)

Thoth - The God of Wisdom and the Scribes

Relief Thoth Left Horus
Relief of Thoth (left), with Horus (right), and the Pharaoh Ramesses II (center) in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (1206k)
Colored Relief Thoth Karnak
Colored relief of Thoth in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. (668k)
Close-up Relief Thoth Scribe
Close-up of a relief of Thoth as a scribe in the Luxor Temple. (712k)
Relief Thoth Scribe Luxor
Relief of Thoth as a scribe in the Luxor Temple. (767k)
Relief Thoth Holding Scepter
Relief of Thoth, holding the Was scepter, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. (490k)
Relief Thoth Left Horus
Relief of Thoth (left), with Horus (center right) and his son (right, holding the Was scepter), Horus' mother Isis, here shown as a cat (center, touching the Ankh to the Pharaoh's mouth), a Pharaoh (center), and Nut (left of the Pharaoh, with horns and a Sun disk), in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (771k)
Relief Thoth Left Horus
Relief of Thoth (left) and Horus (right), flanking a Pharaoh, in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (893k)
Close-up Relief Thoth Philae
Close-up of a relief of Thoth in the Philae Temple of Isis. (807k)
Relief Thoth Shown Baboon
Relief of Thoth, shown as a Baboon, in the Philae Temple of Isis. (709k)
Beautiful Paintings Tombs Queens
Beautiful paintings in one of the tombs of the Queens, with the God Thoth with the Was Scepter. In the upper left is Anubis. Notice the transparent skirts of the Queen. (583k)

Wadjet - The Serpent Goddess of Lower Egypt

Relief Wadjet Cobra Deshret
Relief of Wadjet, the Cobra with the Deshret or Red Crown, with Horus in a Lion's body, in the Temple of Horus in Edfu. Both Gods hold a Was scepter.egy. (663k)
Relief Wadjet Center Deshret
Relief of Wadjet (center, with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt), Nekhbet (left, with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt), crowning Pharaoh Ptolemaios XII, and Haroeris (right, holding the Was scepter) in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (942k)

This page contains 163 pictures

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